A Wallflower's Reveries

"We accept the love we think we deserve."

  • Magic In Human Form

    I’ve reduced my pool of friends to a handful
    It’s better to keep those you can remember
    For when life gets a little lonely and sorrowful
    There’s not a long list of phone numbers

    To call in the dead of the night,
    Or even when the sun is out shining so bright,
    To tell of my daydreams and nightmares,
    To share unashamed of my secret affairs

    In this life where we all exist in the same timeline
    Bound by stories, our souls intertwined
    Held tightly together with our invisible strings
    That even Fate cannot intervened

    We are all each other’s missing puzzle piece
    The diamonds to our golden rings
    A promise of friendship, an unconditional love
    A treasure I’ll keep within, locked in my heart

  • A Woman In A Man’s World

    Growing up I was told to quiet down and sit still
    Kill my happiness and surrender my freewill
    Forced to smile to people I’ve just met
    To respect them even when they didn’t earn it

    Always had to keep my back straight
    For it’s unladylike to be crooked and look exhausted
    Nobody wants a woman who doesn’t follow the rules
    Made by men who apparently can’t tie their own shoes

    You must not say what’s on your mind
    For you might attract someone unkind
    Always blamed for the bad things that happened to me
    Because one man cannot take responsibility

    And if you wear something they do not like, you’ll know
    If they can’t make you listen, they’ll take it off for you
    They would walk away thinking you should be grateful
    That they’re looking out for you after breaking your soul

    They say they want a wife to stay with forever
    But they only want them to become their mother
    Then tell her she’s crazy for displaying her rights
    For you believe she can never put up a fight

    Faced by the betrayal of an abusive partner
    For she was led to believe he’ll be her protector
    Yet she endures trusting he’ll change, a futile hope
    For she made a promise to stay even as things got worse

    A daughter can only watch her mother suffer
    But she’ll grow up never wanting someone like her father
    Somehow it’s still our fault for what caused our trauma
    Because women are sensitive and full of drama

    Told that I’m selfish for wanting to be on my own
    For giving birth is my only sole purpose in this world
    Why would I need a man to take care of me
    When it was a woman who gave birth to me?

    Their taunting looks plastered on their smug faces
    Saying it’s idiotic to choose a bear over men
    They don’t understand that our biggest fear is not death
    But we’d rather die than be last seen in their presence

    Centuries of mistreatment endured by our gender
    That they even made a word as a reminder
    “Misogyny” was created for women to finally be respected
    Yet the reason of its creation would rather want our heads

    Long ago I would be called a witch
    For just speaking my truth and get burned for it
    All of a sudden I am this evil person
    But really, I am more than just a woman

  • Back Burner

    You light the matches while I burned
    To keep you warm when it got cold
    In my garden I watered your sorrows
    I picked you even with all your thorns

    In the dark I kept your spark from dying out
    Kept your wounds closed so you don’t bleed out
    Even when I was asleep I answered your calls
    Every recorded messages I kept them all

    In the season of drought I persevered
    Waited patiently and hoped for the rain
    Like a bird in a cage, lonely and chained
    Desperate for your affection and your grace

    I chose to stay even with all my feelings hurt
    As you turn your back from me unconcerned
    Held you together even when you were falling apart
    Yet I’m still the one left with a broken heart

  • In Over Your Head

    It’s crazy how I’ve put you up in such a pedestal. This heart of mine stayed loyal to you even when it was ignored. How can a single person make such an impact in someone’s life? When all you did is exists but you still roam freely in my mind, as if you own it. You don’t deserve the space you occupy but you got all my hands tied. Like a river your current took me with you, stronger than ever. You continue to drag me while I gasped for air, begging you to let me go. I know I’ve put myself into this situation and I have all the decisions to make. Believe me I’ve tried yet my heart seems to have a mind on its own. Like a separate being, another me. Now I think you owe me something. And I die a little inside for I know you can never give it to me.

  • I Wonder

    And if I suddenly disappear
    Will I find missing posts about me?
    Who would dare to join the search party?
    The days would be long and nights’ lonely
    The whispers in the dark
    Eyes glistening with unshed tears
    Nobody would dare to utter a single word
    For it could cut like a knife in your chests
    The memories would come flooding out
    Pulse quickening inside your hollow bodies
    And I wonder as I stand there with curiosity
    Was it because you miss me?
    Or was it out of guilt for abandoning me?

  • Metamorphosis

    My anxiety has been lying to me
    It made me believe that I don’t deserve to be happy
    But the truth is far from what I call reality
    A life that no one can ever take away from me

    The past years left my thoughts in derangement
    My scales tip off, unbalanced and wayward
    But my body refuse to accept this arrangement
    For the only thing it knows is to move forward

    In a state of hunger I’ve become a predator
    Putting myself first was the only logical answer
    A substantial cosmic event was forthcoming
    To become who I am always meant to be

  • Icarus Falls

    Love is a strange, fickle beginning
    In order to break the spell and move on
    A choice one must make even if it’s heartbreaking
    One last curtain call for the fallen

    I was the moth, you were the flame
    Your magnetic light pulled me over
    My curiosity drove me completely insane
    Danced like a drunk though I was sober

    Like a nightmare you kept on haunting
    Took a seat like I owed you something
    Then watched me cower, relenting
    And you laughed with those fangs baring

    Yet in the midst of all my turmoil
    I watched myself grew weak and suffered
    A conscious choice resulted to my downfall
    Buried my broken bones to a stupor

    But it’s time to be my own warrior
    Sailed my own ship and left you all alone
    It’s useless to tell you of my harbor
    For I know you’ll survive even when I am gone

  • After Midnight

    When sleep doesn’t come I welcome the night
    For my dreams come alive after midnight
    Slowly they unravel, twinkling in the night sky
    The darkness seems to fade replaced by moonlight

    My heart gets full with hope and reveries
    Pumping with resolve to end all my miseries
    Armed with the sudden urge to defeat all my enemies
    And end this raging war that’s been haunting me for years

  • Blind Hope

    Unrequited love hurts more than an open wound
    The scars don’t heal at all
    No physical evidence that you’ve moved on
    Nothing you can use even for closure

    It’s like putting down a good book
    You’ve always wanted to know the ending
    But you’re too scared to look
    Too anxious it might not have a happy ending

    They say to love someone is to be patient
    Then you start to wonder if it’s worth the wait
    As days became weeks, months turned to years
    The hope holding you stronger than a newborn’s grip

    I’ve made my own prison inside your invisible walls
    Though it’s unlocked still I refuse to break free
    Forever haunted with the idea of us
    I am a product of my own misery

  • Intrusive Thoughts

    I’ve thought about it
    I can’t remember the number of times
    But I have
    I haven’t put an action to it
    Haven’t even started once
    Just the mere thought of doing it
    It has crept in my mind
    Sometimes it lingers but never stays
    And thank God it doesn’t
    I probably would not exists

message from the author

To My Dearest Visitors,

Thank you for visiting my blog. This safe space I created contains my feelings about certain things I can’t say to anyone. I don’t know why but I’ve always felt like through writing, I can express myself more profoundly. So I made my own sanctuary to let all my thoughts out and to share what I’m going through as I live in this world where everyone can’t express their thoughts and feelings with fear of being judged by the world. I, too, am like everyone else. I am not perfect, I fall in love and get my heart broken, I feel depressed and has anxiety and in the process of learning how to love myself. This world is cruel but I am still thankful that I get to live in it and be my most authentic self, as I try to be. And we all need someone out there who at least understands and if you somehow relate to the things I’ve written in this blog, I’m glad I get to be that someone.
Hang in there, friend.

With all my love,
A Fellow Wallflower

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