A Wallflower's Reveries

"We accept the love we think we deserve."

A Woman In A Man’s World

Growing up I was told to quiet down and sit still
Kill my happiness and surrender my freewill
Forced to smile to people I’ve just met
To respect them even when they didn’t earn it

Always had to keep my back straight
For it’s unladylike to be crooked and look exhausted
Nobody wants a woman who doesn’t follow the rules
Made by men who apparently can’t tie their own shoes

You must not say what’s on your mind
For you might attract someone unkind
Always blamed for the bad things that happened to me
Because one man cannot take responsibility

And if you wear something they do not like, you’ll know
If they can’t make you listen, they’ll take it off for you
They would walk away thinking you should be grateful
That they’re looking out for you after breaking your soul

They say they want a wife to stay with forever
But they only want them to become their mother
Then tell her she’s crazy for displaying her rights
For you believe she can never put up a fight

Faced by the betrayal of an abusive partner
For she was led to believe he’ll be her protector
Yet she endures trusting he’ll change, a futile hope
For she made a promise to stay even as things got worse

A daughter can only watch her mother suffer
But she’ll grow up never wanting someone like her father
Somehow it’s still our fault for what caused our trauma
Because women are sensitive and full of drama

Told that I’m selfish for wanting to be on my own
For giving birth is my only sole purpose in this world
Why would I need a man to take care of me
When it was a woman who gave birth to me?

Their taunting looks plastered on their smug faces
Saying it’s idiotic to choose a bear over men
They don’t understand that our biggest fear is not death
But we’d rather die than be last seen in their presence

Centuries of mistreatment endured by our gender
That they even made a word as a reminder
“Misogyny” was created for women to finally be respected
Yet the reason of its creation would rather want our heads

Long ago I would be called a witch
For just speaking my truth and get burned for it
All of a sudden I am this evil person
But really, I am more than just a woman

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